Marion, Jerry

Classical Dynamics : of particles and systems / Jerry Marion, Stephen Thorton - 3a. ed. - Orlando : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, c 1988 - xvi, 602 p. : il.; 23 cm.

Answers to Even Number Problems: p. 586 Appendixes Bibliography: p. 583 Index: p. 593 Selected References: p. 581

Central-Force Motion Continuous Systems: Vibrating Strings Coupled Oscillations Dynamics of a System of Particles Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Gravitation Hamilton's Principle-Lagragian and Hamiltonian Dynamics Matrices, Vectors, and Vector Calculus Motion a Noninertial Reference Frame Newsstonian Mechanics-Single Particle Oscillation Some Methods in the Calculus of Variations The Special Theory of Relativity The Wave Equation in One Dimension