Appleby, A. J.

FUEL cell : trends in research and applications / A. J. Appleby - Washington : Hemisphere, c 1987 - ix, 295 p. : il.;, 24 cm.

Bibliografía y conclusiones al final delos capítulos La presente obra corresponde al v. 2 de la compilación de trabajos del encuentro realizado en Italia en 1985.

Aluminum-air batteries with neutral chloride electrolyte-research and development Application of fuel cells to large vehicles. Fuel cells at Sorapec Fuel cells for electric power production, future potential, Federal role and policy option Fuel cells using biomass-derived fuels Impact of fuel cells on the electric power generation systems in industrialized and development countries Long term testing of an air-cooled 2.5-kW PAFC Stack in Italy Materials research fro advanced solid-state fuel cells at the energy research Laboratory, Denmark Molten carbonate fuel cells Molten Carbonate fuel cells: research needs and educational aspects Phosphoric acid fuel cells Research and applications of fuels cells techniques in the peoples Republic of China State of the art and future developments of solid oxide electrolyte fuel cells Status and interest of Japanese Industrial development of fuel cells Status of fuel cell research, development, and applications in the light of the Siemens Program Status of fuel cells R&D and prospects for the application in Japan Status of research and application of fuel cells in Brazil Status of research and applications of fuel cells in Bulgaria Status of research and applications of fuel cells in India Status of research and applications of fuel cells in Sweden The status of research and application of fuel cells in the UK


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